1. General contact information:
Otten, Roth, Dobler & Partner mbB Patentanwälte
Grosstobeler Strasse 39
88276 Berg/Ravensburg
Tel.: +49 751 359580
Fax.: +49 751 31533
Court of registry: Ulm County Court
Registration number: PR 720058
Partners authorized to represent: Dr.-Ing. Markus Dobler, Alexander Otten, Dr. Alexander André, Dr. Tobias Mangler
2. Occupational title:
The professionals working at Otten, Roth, Dobler & Partner mbB Patentanwälte are "Patentanwälte" licensed in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The professionals working at Otten, Roth, Dobler & Partner mbB, Patent Attorneys are professional representatives before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) as well as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
3. Pertinent professional representation:
Tal 29, D-80331 München
4. Rules of professional conduct:
Patent Attorney Regulations (last amended by Article 8 of the Act of March 10, 2023 (BGBl. 2023 I No. 64) : To the Patent Attorneys' Professional Code
Professional Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys: To the Professional Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys
The Code of Professional Conduct of the epi: To the Code of Professional Conduct
The FICPI Rules of Professional Conduct: To the FICPI Rules of Professional Conduct
5. VAT ID as per Section 27a German Value Added Tax Law:
6. Details on professional indemnity insurance:
Otten, Roth, Dobler & Partner mbB Patentanwälte is insured with:
R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Raiffeisenplatz 1, D-65189 Wiesbaden
The insurance covers the legal liability of the policyholder arising from the freelance activity as a German patent attorney, professional representative before the European Patent Office and as a member of the European Patent Institute (epi).
Insurance cover is provided, inter alia, for activities before the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), before the European Patent Office, before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
7. Design and realization:
Jutta Metzler / | Karen Merkel / |
Frank Gaspari / | Felix Kästle / |